Councillor Amanda Freake

Western Director

Councillor Amanda Freake was born and raised in Deer Lake.  She started work for Scotiabank during a high school co-op program and remained with the bank while working on her business degree at Memorial University. 

She has held various roles within the financial institution in numerous cities throughout the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. She has  been in her current role of a Home Financing Advisor since 2010. 

Councillor Freake has always had a passion for community.  She has been an elected official with the Town of Deer Lake since 2013 and has held the role of Finance Chair for the last four years.

She is also very passionate about the assessment sector of municipal government and in December 2021 was elected as Western Director on the Municipal Assessment Agency’s Board of Directors. She is currently a member of the Agency’s Finance and Audit Committee.   

Amanda currently resides in Deer Lake with her husband and two sons.