Mayor Tony Keats

Central Director

Tony Keats is the Mayor of the Town of Dover.  He was first elected to council in 1992, serving in the Mayor’s chair since 1996. This year (2022) marks his 30th year in municipal government.

Mayor Keats is also the Past President of Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador, where he served as the Small Towns Director and Vice President before becoming President. He served on the MNL board for nine (9) years.

Mayor Keats is employed by a crown corporation, Canada Post Corporation.  He was educated in business administration and holds several certificates in professional development.

Mayor Keats has served on various committees and boards throughout the province and country, such as the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Board and Executive, the NL911 Board, Gander and Area Chamber of Commerce, Rural Secretariat NL, Kittiwake Economic Development Corporation, and the Kittiwake Coast Tourism Association, where he served as President.

Mayor Keats believes in a strong work ethic and he works very hard on behalf of those he represents. He has been the recipient of numerous awards in the past, such as the Outstanding Contribution Award from The Governor General of Canada and the Torngat Municipal Achievement Award for Municipal Awareness. Mayor Keats was also the recipient of the 2023 World Mayor Community Award. He is also a founding member of the Atlantic PTA Chair Working Group, the Dover Fault Committee, and the Dover Tidy Towns Committee.

When it comes to committees, organizations and boards, Mayor Keats believes in good governance and takes part in various opportunities to help incorporate good governance principles and practises into their structures and activities.

Mayor Keats is a big supporter of NL writers, NL books, painters/artists and the arts in general, and promotes them all when possible.

In 2017, Mayor Keats and his family were honoured to receive the St. John Ambulance Life-Saving Award for their quick action that saved a man’s life.

In December 2021, Mayor Keats was elected Central Director on the Municipal Assessment Agency’s Board of Directors. He currently serves as a member of the Agency’s Public Relations and Policy Committee.

Mayor Keats and his wife Donna have two grown children, Tony and Cole, and a grandchild Norman who they adore dearly.